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博報堂キースリーは株式会社博報堂とAstar Networkを開発するStake Technologies Pte LtdのCEO渡辺創太氏が共に2022年12月に設立した企業
① Akimからお年玉ポテトをもらおう!(開催日:1/1)
② ポテ賀状を送って福袋抽選にチャレンジ!(開催日:1/1-1/5、福袋抽選日1/6)
① Akimからお年玉ポテトをもらおう!(開催日:1/1)

元日の間に #VeryHappyNewYear を含むツイートをすると、ベリロン開祖Akimから直々にお年玉ポテトが届きます!
もちろん #VeryHappyNewYear だけでも大丈夫ですが、何か素敵な一言を添えていただけると嬉しいです!
こちらをクリック で簡単にツイートできます!
② ポテ賀状を送って福袋抽選にチャレンジ!(開催日:1/1-1/5、福袋抽選日1/6)

こちらをクリック すると、ベリロンのオリジナル年賀状付きでポテトを送ることができます!ご活用ください!

- 期間内(1/1-5)のポテト送付回数=抽選権となります
- 1人最大10まで抽選権を獲得できます
- 抽選は1/6にスペースで生配信します
- 一度に送付する数に規定はありません
- 1つのアカウントへの過剰な送付は、抽選権を無効とすることがあります
1等 ベリロンベリーベリー大満足福袋
2等 お前もベリーロングにならないか?福袋
頭にはベリロン着ぐるみ、寒い今の季節はベリロンパーカー、暑くなってきたらベリロンTシャツと、いつでも日常生活でベリロンになりきれるセット福袋です!お前もベリーロングにならないか? ※日本限定
3等 お年玉ポテト(5名)
ANGO様の協賛賞品です。那須にある物件で、都心からは車で2時間半ほど、8-10人で止まることができます。清掃費を15,000円別途請求させていただきます! ※日本限定
「Very Jumbo Potato Lottery」 Presented by Hakuhodo KEY3

Happy New Year, the year 2023 has finally begun.
The VLA team will start the new year running at a very top speed!
We hope you enjoy our first two major events of 2023!
Also, this event will be held in cooperation with HAKUHODO KEY3!
Overview of two big online events
① Get a New Year’s Potato from Akim! (Date:1/1)
② Send Potatoes to your friends to wish them a Happy New Year! (Date:1/1-5)
① Get a New Year’s Potato from Akim! (Date:1/1)

If you tweet during New Year’s Day(1/1 JST), including #VeryHappyNewYear, you will receive a New Year’s potato from Akim, the founder of VLA!
Of course, just #VeryHappyNewYear is fine, but we’d love it if you could add something nice to say!
Whether it’s your New Year’s resolutions, your first blurbs of the new year, or a message for Akim, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Click here for easy tweeting!
② Send Potatoes to your friends to wish them a Happy New Year! (Date:1/1-5)

Why don’t you send potatoes as a New Year’s greeting?
The lottery will be held on 1/6, with a higher chance of winning depending on the number of times you send potatoes!
All you have to do is send someone potatoes!
Click here to send potatoes with VLA’s original New Year’s greeting card! Please make use of it!

Details and Notes on the Lottery
- The number of times potatoes are sent during the period (1/1-5) = the right to participate in the lottery
- Each person can win up to 10 lottery tickets
- The lottery will be broadcast live on 1/6 in the space!
- There is no limit to the number of potatoes you can send at one time
- Excessive shipments to a single account may invalidate your right to the drawing
About the prizes
1st VLA Very Very Great Satisfaction Grab Bag
▶︎VLABabies、VLCNP、VLA Potato 2023
This is a very satisfying grab bag containing one NFT each of “VLABabies”, the official secondary creation of VLA, and “VLCNP”, a large secondary creation that develops a generative collection, as well as 2023 potatoes that can be used within the VLA community!
2nd (JP Only🙏)
3rd New Year’s Potatoes (5 winners)
▶︎VLA Potato x 223
We will send 223 VLA Potatoes, points that can be used within the VLA community, as a New Year’s gift. 5 people will win!
ANGO Prize:(JP only🙏)